EP1000 Digital Fabrication Prototyping Fundamentals

Project Management, Web Development and Version Control!

On project management, I have a lot of experience due to the large amount of projects we do in our course. I constantly try to generate ideas by sketching them out, before moving on the execution of the project. As much as possible, I try to finish my works earlier by setting small minestones and goals to make it seem more managable. Although I do not set specific dates to finish, I set a range of dates which gives me time to plan around my other submissions and projects as well. I also diligently try to take notes for class and snap pictures of my progress for documentation.

For Web development, we were introduced to HTML and CSS. Previously, I had some classes on basic coding in my course, so this was like a refresher for me. I have made simple websites before, but for weekly process journals that my course requires us to do, I have never needed to code for them before, so I expect myself to struggle a little bit for this, especially on maintaining the motivation to compile my work weekly while coding them.

We were introduced to Git, a platform that allows us to push our html and css files to be published to the net. I faced some troubles getting used to Git, as I have only used Sublime to code before, and we were not required to publicly upload our website online. I think moving on, I will still use Sublime to code as it is easier to see the changes on the net. I will then use Git desktop to push my files to my repository for my website to be updated. That is how I plan to work around my struggles to form a solution. Here is an example how we can modify the file and push it to the main repository.

Below are my inital codes and website layout:

Next, I then continued to edit and make changes to my website and have it how it looks like at the moment!

As mentioned earlier, I actually do have experience coding websites, although just simple ones, which was why this was not a major struggle for me! I look forward to what comes next :)